Sunday 18 March 2012

3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

We received a lot of positive feedback from our audience about our music video. We were very happy that they had understood the narrative of the video as this was a concern that we had from the start. We found that everyone was very clear on the story after watching the video and so we found that we had succeeded in making the narrative easy to understand.

Here is a video of an audience member who expressed opinions that were common among a lot of the target audience members who watched our video.


Our school held a creative arts evening in which we had a chance to play our video. We made a short speech to introduce our video and then it was played to the audience. This was very useful for us as it was 2 weeks before our final deadline and so feedback that we received on the night could impact on the final tweaks that we made to the video.

We found that people who weren't media students were very impressed by our video and couldn't think of much constructive critisism. However, fellow media students were able to offer us some suggestions to make the video better.
We received some feedback about the transitions in our video which helped us to improve in the final edit. We were told that some people felt that the video needed more transitions to improve the way it flows and fits with the song. We took this feedback into account and added some more fade transitions throughout the video which also made it more interesting to watch as well as improving the flow of the video.

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