Sunday 4 March 2012

Audience feedback and re-shoot

Following feedback from a sample of our target audience we have decided to re-shoot some parts of our music video.
The audience feedback told us the following:

  • We need more band shots and singing from the start of the video.
  • If we are going to use a three part split screen effect then we need to use this a few times throughout the video. 
  • The man on the corner should be surrounded by possessions such as a sleeping bag, rucksack, the words on cardboard and a big picture of the girl. 
  • There need to be more flashbacks of the relationship between the girl and the boy. 
  • A lot of the shots in the video are too long and so we need more footage to make the video more interesting for the audience. 
Today we will be getting more footage of the boy waiting on the corner. There needs to be more activity to show that life is passing him by while he's sitting there. The sleeping bag and backpack will help to show that he's planning on staying there a long time. We are also considering creating a time lapse effect to show people passing by. We will ask our actor to look around and look anxious as though he's expecting the girl to show up at any minute. 

We will also film more flashbacks today of the girl and the boy together. We will show how happy they were together and why the boy is willing to sit on the corner and wait for her. We also plan to film some more of the girl with her friends as we would like to show that she is very busy and has moved on. 

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