Thursday 26 January 2012

Filming band shots

On Sunday we went to a quiet industrial estate to film our band shots for our music video.
We used a number of different types of shots including high-angle and low-angle shots and tracking shots.

We found that our choice of location was perfect for the band shots as it created the isolated atmosphere that we wanted to create. The mise en scene we were able to capture was very urban and really fits the indie style of the band and the song. There were also a lot of opportunities to try different angle camera shots and be creative as we could use different levels with the fire escape.

By filming the band shots in this outside, urban setting it will fit in with the shots of the storyline as they will all be outside. This will make the video very consistent and goes with the theme of the video as the narrative is about the main boy being out and staying out until he gets his girl back.

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