Wednesday 26 October 2011

The narrative for our music video

As our chosen song has a strong narrative we have decided to make our music video follow the story of the song. According to Todorov's narrative theory a narrative should start with an Equilibrium, then have a disruption and then end with a new Equilibrium. Our video will be about a man who has been left by his girlfriend. He goes to the place where they used to meet and waits there hoping that his girl will come back to him. The equilibrium and the pattern that flows through the whole video is that as the lyrics suggest, the man is determined to stay in the spot and wait for the girl. We will use shots of the girl showing that she has moved on and left him behind - this will be reality and this is the disruption to his plan and to his dream.

The man will imagine that his girl sees him on the news and comes running back to him and this will all be in the video but we will make these parts of the video his imagination. At the end of the video he will be left still waiting for his girlfriend to come back hoping that the shots from his imagination will come true. The new equilibrium is that he is still left waiting for his girlfriend at the end of the video. Our narrative is circular and so the equilibrium and the new equilibrium are the same.

We plan to use green screen to create effects such as flashbacks of the couple together while the man is still in shot to show that it is a flashback of his memory. We will also use black and white effects and dream-like hazy shots for when the action is in his imagination.

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