Sunday 18 December 2011

Ancillary Task Draft Work

I've been working on some drafts for my ancillary tasks of the CD/DVD digipack cover and magazine advert.
These are some of my sketches of ideas for the magazine advert.

Wednesday 7 December 2011


Today Megan and Luke went to Greenwich to film some scenes of our main actor Jamie. Unfortunatly I couldn't join them as i had a lesson and so they filmed the scenes with just Jamie and scenes of us together will be filmed at a later date.

This is Luke on location setting up the tripod for filming Jamie.

Monday 28 November 2011


Today we started filming some scenes for our music video. We filmed the parts of the main girl running back to the corner where the man is waiting for her. These scenes in the video will have a dream-like effect on them as they are actually in the imagination of the man.

Thursday 24 November 2011

Location Scouting

Here are a few location options we are considering for the scenes of the music video where the main girl is out with her friends. This is a typical high street where girls would stereotypically go shopping. We plan to have scenes in the music video in which the girl is doing stereotypical activities with her girl friends that show that she is getting over breaking up with the boy.

This is the location we have chosen for our band shots in our music video and also for some of the photography for our ancillary tasks. We have chosen the location for it's urban feel and the fact that it's in a secluded, isolated location which fits the themes of our video. The band will break the silence of the atmosphere and this will create a sense that they are alone.

Sunday 20 November 2011


I have created a document which will assist me in making sure there is continuity in the costumes and props where there needs to be. The actors will be given instruction by me about the type of clothing to wear for the shoots and I will ask them to wear the same outfits on different shoots where nessessary. This will mean consistency in the mise en scene throughout the video and is vital to help the narrative to make sense.

Thursday 17 November 2011

Production Schedule

Today we devised a production shedule for the production of our music video. We will try to stick to this so that we have maximum editing time as this is the most important part of creating a good music video. This production schedule also means that if we need to re-shoot anything we will have plenty of time to do so.

Cast List

Our cast list has now been confirmed as below. All of the actors have agreed to be in our video.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Cast List

Today we wrote down and discussed our provisional cast list for the music video.
This is the cast list at the moment. Some of the actors are still to be confirmed and we will be contacting them as soon as possible.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Ancillary Task Research

Codes and conventions of band T Shirts
  • The band name.
  • One key image of the band.
  • The name of an album/ tour that the T Shirt relates to.

Ancillary Task Research

Magazine Advert Research

Codes and conventions of magazine adverts
  • The name of the band/artist
  • The name of the album
  • Images of the band/artist
  • Images similar to the cover of the album
  • Release date
  • A website link
  • Details of where to buy the album

Ancillary Task Research

I viewed some existing CD covers of The Script's for inspiration for my ancillary tasks.

Codes and conventions of CD covers. 

  • Title of the band.
  • Title of the album/single.
  • One image that takes up the whole cover. Can be an image of the band or an abstract image. The image could also be a scene from the music video. 
As my product will be a CD/DVD digipack I will also include information on the cover that shows it is a CD of the album and a DVD of the music video.

Style Sheet Options

For my two ancillary tasks I am creating a CD/DVD digipack of the album and the music video and a magazine advert for the digipack. I am also creating a T-Shirt design for the band's tour.
Today our group discussed style sheet ideas for our ancillary tasks.
These are some possible font styles and color combinations that the group are considering.

Saturday 29 October 2011


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 This is our storyboard for our music video. We will use this when filming for our video and it will help us with the shots that we need to capture. it will also assist us with our editing process and will be a reminder of our storyline and ideas. However, the ideas are subject to change as we may find that other ideas work better and help us to create a better product.

Thursday 27 October 2011

Research into existing products

I researched some existing music videos which have a similar style to the one we plan to create.
This video has a narrative and goes from shots of a singer, to the band and also has a narrative running through it.  This is the type of video that I hope to create.
This video is for Green Day's 'When September Ends' and also has some dialogue and acted scenes throughout.

I also researched videos which have similar themes to ours such as loneliness and isolation. This video creates a sense of being alone even when surrounded by people. This is a key idea for the narrative of our video for 'The Man Who Can't Be Moved.'

Wednesday 26 October 2011

The narrative for our music video

As our chosen song has a strong narrative we have decided to make our music video follow the story of the song. According to Todorov's narrative theory a narrative should start with an Equilibrium, then have a disruption and then end with a new Equilibrium. Our video will be about a man who has been left by his girlfriend. He goes to the place where they used to meet and waits there hoping that his girl will come back to him. The equilibrium and the pattern that flows through the whole video is that as the lyrics suggest, the man is determined to stay in the spot and wait for the girl. We will use shots of the girl showing that she has moved on and left him behind - this will be reality and this is the disruption to his plan and to his dream.

The man will imagine that his girl sees him on the news and comes running back to him and this will all be in the video but we will make these parts of the video his imagination. At the end of the video he will be left still waiting for his girlfriend to come back hoping that the shots from his imagination will come true. The new equilibrium is that he is still left waiting for his girlfriend at the end of the video. Our narrative is circular and so the equilibrium and the new equilibrium are the same.

We plan to use green screen to create effects such as flashbacks of the couple together while the man is still in shot to show that it is a flashback of his memory. We will also use black and white effects and dream-like hazy shots for when the action is in his imagination.

Our chosen song

This is the existing music video for The Script - The Man Who Can't Be Moved

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Today we discussed our roles within the group and worked on storyboard ideas, a mood board and our pitch. We also discussed ideas for locations and casting.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Choosing a song

In our first group meeting we discussed possible song choices for making our music video.
We made a list of some of the ideas that we liked the most and thought were possible options for our video.
These were...
  • The A Team - Ed Sheeran (folk/soul)
  • I Need A Dollar - Aloe Blacc (R&B/soul)
  • Everybody's Fool - Evanescence (Symphonic metal)
  • You've Got The Love - Florence And The Machine (indie rock)
  • On A Mission - Katy B (dubstep)
  • Rocketeer - Far East Movement (alternative hip hop)
  • Rolling In The Deep - Adele (soul)
  • The Man Who Can't Be Moved - The Script (pop/rock) 
The song we decided to make a music video for is The Man Who Can't Be Moved by The Script.
This was the song that everyone in the group agreed on and we had a lot of ideas straight away of things we could do with it. The song has a narrative which means we can make our music video narrative and this gave us a great starting point for our project.

Our task

Our task is to create a music video and two ancillary tasks. As a group we will all research real products and their codes and conventions before creating our own music video. My group is Megan McCarthy and Luke Desborough, we will create the music video all together and agree on a style sheet for our ancillary tasks to agree on common elements that we will all stick to. We will then all create two ancillary tasks each which will be unique to each of us but will stick to our house style. I will use this blog to record and evaluate our progress.